"If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

Friday, April 29, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/29


Here's today's question:

Do you have a hero? Describe him or her. What is it that you admire about them? What have they done to make them a hero? What qualities do they have that set them apart? Are there ways in which you could be more like them? Are there ways in which you already are like them?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/28

Here's today's question:

If you found out that you only had one year left to live, what would you do with your time?
Please write for 10 to 15 minutes:)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If you really knew me...

You'd know that I never think I'm good enough. When people tell me I'm doing a good job, I assume that they're just humoring me. "How could they possibly be telling the truth? They're just trying to make me feel better?".

If you really knew me, you'd know that I apologize too much because, somewhere deep down, I feel the need to apologize for being me. I know that's not true, but I have a hard time believing it. There's a big difference between knowing and believing.

If you really knew me, you'd know that it is hard for me to believe that I deserve to be loved. Again, I usually think to myself, "How could they possibly love me?". I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Subconsciously, I think "When are they going to figure it out and leave me?".

If you really know me, you'd know that sometimes (a lot of the time) I hate the way I look. Sometimes, I feel like the ugliest person in every room.

If you really knew me, you'd know that I have treated people poorly and regretted it. I have let moments where I should have stood up for someone pass me by without saying a word. I have said "Yes" even though I wanted to say "No".

If you really knew me, you'd know how much I've changed over the years. All of the stuff I said above makes it seem like I really hate myself. There was a time in my life when I did, yes. However, a few years ago, I started to make a conscious effort to change the way I viewed myself. I discovered that the bad decisions I had made were making me dislike myself more. I realized that no one else has control over my actions. My words and actions are the only factors that I truly can control in life. I realized that there's no point in being sad or angry about a situation unless I've done all that I could to make the situation better. I'm always trying to be better than I was before. If I've made a decision in my life that didn't work, I try something new. I can honestly say that this is one of the things I like best about myself.

I would challenge you to talk to yourselves (not out loud:). Have a conversation in your head with yourself where you ask, "Did I do everything I could to make the situation better? Did I do the right thing?".

"Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda": What should I have done? What would I have done? What could I have done?

All great questions to ask yourselves in order to reflect.

What about asking "Should, Will, Can": What should I do now? What will I do next? What can I do to make things better?

You are the only person who controls the decisions you make, the actions you take, and the words you speak. You decide what kind of person you will become. I decided I wanted to be someone that I could be proud of and admire.

What kind of person do you want to be?

Blog Prompt- 4/27

I'd like you to reflect on the Anti-Bullying program we went to yesterday.

How would you end the sentence?

If you really knew me....

Feel free to write in One Note or somewhere that is private. Your writing may turn out to be more personal than what you are comfortable with sharing on your blog.

Of course, if you would like to, you may post your response on your blog.

Please try to write for 10 to 15 minutes without stopping. Then, we will have workshop and conferencing time.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Solitude in San Francisco

While waiting for the ferry to Alcatraz, I think I saw someone die.

Totally last minute, I decided to travel to San Francisco. By myself. I had traveled alone before, so I thought that it would be no problem to wander the streets with my little guide book and fold out map. I had a great time, don't get me wrong. I just found that I don't crave that solitude as much as I used to in my younger days.

The day I arrived, I walked up one of San Francisco's quintessential hills to see the best view of the city. Not only was it completely overcast, it was raining, and, for the life of me, I couldn't manage to take a picture that was in focus. I thought maybe it was me that was out of focus.

You can get easily lost in your own thoughts when you don't have anyone to talk with. That makes it sound depressing, like I was longingly watching people, wishing I had someone to talk to. It wasn't like that. It was more contemplative and reflective with certain things that I wish I could have shared.

Waiting in line in the rain is never fun, but waiting in line in the rain alone might be worse. Now, I said that I think I saw someone die. It wasn't as dramatic as that might have sounded. No one was really aware, but a man collapsed as he was getting on the ferry. I didn't realize it until the paramedics came, but then, yes, I saw him laying on the ground with his shirt wide open while they tried to resuscitate him.

What shocked me the most was the gaping of the "audience". Truthfully, I couldn't believe so many people were standing around watching as if it were a play or something. I was guilty of it too. I started to just watch the onlookers. Most were concerned, some were indifferent. But practically everyone stood and watched. The man's wife or daughter or sister, I'm not sure which, was sitting on the side with an employee, crying. I couldn't stop myself from imagining this happening to me. What if I were traveling and my companion dropped dead? To go from being with somneone, being a part of a relationship, being safe and secure to being alone and in pain...

There's the rub. Being a part of someone else's life, being partners, being many instead of one is a fleeting thing. In one second you can be completely alone again. Are we ever not aloe? We are all just drifting through the universe on our own course which sometimes happens to orbit around the bright star of loved ones. But how permanent is it all?


Blog Prompt- 4/25


I hope you all had a great Spring Break!

Today, I'd just like you to tell me a story about something that happened to you or something you did this past week. Think about using one of the different writing styles we've been practicing using: stream of consciousness, dialogue, 1st person, 3rd person, etc.

Please write for the entire 10 minutes:)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/15

How would you like to go down in history?

How much control do you have over the way you are remembered?

Will you remember this school year 10 years from now? What will you remember?

How do you think others will remember you?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reflection: 4/14

I would like you to reflect on the writing process for your Historical Fiction.

What about the process did you find easy?
What was challenging for you?
Did you use your class time wisely?
How could you change your story to make it better?

Please take about 5 minutes to complete.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/13

Imagine you are a reporter interviewing the main character from your story. Ask your character (3) questions about the action of your story and write your character's response.Put your self in your character's shoes. How did they feel in the moment? How do they feel after? What are their thoughts about what happened in the story? How are they changed by what happened to them?

It should take this form:

Question #1


Question #2


Question #3


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/12

Today, I would just like you to read and comment on (3) of your classmates' blogs.

Then back to writing!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/11

Good Morning!! I hope you all had a great weekend:)

I would like you to go to the Global Issues in Context website. You can find the link on the school's library website.


Choose one of the issues and read about both sides. I'd like you to give your opinion on the issues. How do you feel about the issue, what do you think and why?

Please spend the entire 10 minutes reading and writing.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Free Writing

1: I know that it came in the mail, but I want to know who sent it, dear.
2: (Pause) I thought you did, darling.
1: You really think that I did, sweetheart?
2: Well, who else might have sent it, sugarplum?
1: You really think I would send you something like that, my love? Through the mail?
2: Well, dearest one, I wouldn't put it past you.
1: Truly, my love? You think so highly of me?
2: Truly, my love.
1: Where would I have gotten it, honey?
2: I assumed that you had plenty of it, snuggle bear.
1: You have just as much as I do, cutie pie.
2: But Dumpling, why would I have sent you this?


Blog Prompt- 4/8


You can write about anything and in any form that you wish. Please make sure you are writing for the full 10 minutes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/4: Dialogue

Imagine a conversation between your main character and someone else in your story.

What is their relationship? How do they feel about each other? Do they love each other? Do they hate each other? What do they want from each other? How long have they known each other? Are they old friends? Have they been married for 40 years? Are they strangers?

Using only the words they say, try to tell your reader about their relationship.

Write a dialogue between two of your characters. Is it an argument? Are they expressing their feelings for each other?

Tell a story with your dialogue.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Prompt- UPFRONT Magazine

Today, we're going to be reading the cover story from Upfront Magazine(P. 12)and write a reaction about the article.

Was there any new fact that you learned which surprised you? Is there a specific topic from the article which you find interesting? Can you use this article as research?

Choose one of the "10 Things You Should Know..." and explain why it was on the list. Why is it important to know and understand?

If you were writing a "!0 Things You Should Know..." article about Asa Clark, what would you include?